ARCHIVE 2016 |

Victorian Open Series Rnd 1

Gunnamatta, VIC (Saturday, 16 January, 2016)

Georgia Fish (Flinders) and Josh Johnson-Baxter (Ocean Grove) have claimed the opening round of the TOLL Victorian Open Series presented by HIF today at Gunnamatta.

In 2nd was Carl Wright (Phillip Island) who fell only 0.4 short of taking the win. Local surfer Caiden Fowler (Tuerong) placed in 3rd with Steve Noble (Cape Paterson) in 4th.

The Open Women’s division saw World Surf League QS surfer Georgia Fish (Flinders) dominate throughout the day. |

DSAMP January Event Report

January 16, Point Leo

The dictionary definition of a “Perfect Day” was re-written this Saturday at Point Leo!
It now goes: “Wall to wall blue sky, no breeze, mid 20's, small 2ft waves and a DSAMP Surf Event”
We couldn't have dialled it in better!
And Saturday's attendance broke our record ... 300 Volunteers and 115 Surfing Participants !!!
And we ran out of snags (that's the best compliment you can make to a hard working crew of BBQers) !!!! Next Event? - more sausages and delivery volunteers, please!

It's always a real buzz to be on the beach and hear the cheering as surfers get their photos taken, the colours of all the rashies and the mingle-mingle of our volllies, surfers, carers, the Lifesaving Club event and families just enjoying the beach.
And up near the Lifesaving Club, the bustle round the rego tents, the change rooms and the coming and going of our beach wheelchairs.
(For those who had to patiently wait for a Sandcruiser, sorry, we're busy raising money to build a boardwalk so you can take your own wheelchair down to the beach edge).
We are continually reviewing how we run the event to make those “Smiles on Dials” bigger, wider, stronger!

Our major new trial this event were our 3 Event Hosts, Bron, Bron and Lisa who looked after our first time surfers.
John R had the idea – and 'BBnL' made it work, turning the role into world's best practice.
Thanks guys, and if anyone with carer experience fancies being a host next event – let us know!
And the best Story of the Day?
Two young surfing participants got a taxi to the event from (I think) Cranbourne.
The taxi driver walked them to the rego tent, went and parked his car, turned off the radio and meter and volunteered – how good is that??
To quote a (nameless) committee member - “you wouldn't get that with Uber”!

Thanks to all our volunteers, our participant surfers, carers, our 'men in harness' towing the wheelchairs, our major sponsors Bendigo Bank (Balnarring, Hasting and Mt Martha Branches), the Mornington Grand Hotel, Point Leo Surf Lifesaving Club for opening their club rooms to us, and the Pt. Leo Foreshore and Ranger Staff for all their help
See you on the Saturday 5th March
11 to 3pm – Same time, place (Point Leo SLSC)and hopefully, weather.

DSA Mornington Peninsula › DSAMP Facebook Page › |

2016 PSC Retro Contest

Saturday 9th January, Gunnamatta Beach

The season opening retro comp started off in questionable surf but turned into a fun day of waves and surfing.
A good turnout considering the conditions meant there were three divisions, open, over 35s and legends surfing off for a bunch of prizes from Vans and for some beers & barby after.

The rights at first car park turned on and off all day, early heats saw some excellent styling from Pittsy, Jett, Cam Stynes, and Nick Wallace. Nick surfing probably the most unsurfable board of the comp, his rescued from the tip 60s style dome decked 5’ 2 (coulda been a bonzer once) single fin,

Some of the younger guys on the day were doing moves that weren’t thought possible back in the day. Gus, Joel W, Lance, Gully, Dylan and Mark Miccoli proved that you don’t need a modern day board to pull off some big moves and get barrelled.

The day saw some classic boards from the sixties to current retros with good examples and the bulk of boards from long time local shapers Mick Pierce, Trigger bros, Oke and Balin.
At the end of the day its all about the fun factor and the single fin / retro comp is always that. Cheers, Daz (CD)

Open: 1 Gus . 2 Joel W . 3 Pittsy . 4 Jett . 5 Lance . 6 Dylan
0/35: 1 Pittsy . 2 Lance . 3 Curly . 4 Mark M . 5 Coombsy . 6 Roger
Legends: 1 Jamie R . 2 Burnsy

Ps. Well done pres for the amount of work you put in. Jane, Luke ... and everyone else who helped on the day with BBQ and setup and pack up! |

PSC claim back-to-back titles at the VIC Boardriders Battle

12th December 2015 / Smith's Beach Phillip Island

Peninsula Surfriders Club have claimed back-to-back titles with a win today at the Original Source Australian Boardriders Battle.

One of the oldest and most prestigious clubs in the country, Peninsula was stand out performer across the day with a team filled with experienced surfers. The club placed highest over all with a total point score of 5800.

Leading the charge for the team was WSL Qualifying Series surfer Caiden Fowler who claimed a ‘Skin’ for the team along with some solid surfing in the Teams division.

“It was pretty tense in the Teams final” said Fowler. “We were lucky enough to get through some surfers quick towards the end and everyone did their job.”

“We are super stoked to go back to the National Final in Cronulla. Its such a good environment and a really good opportunity to represent Penisnula and Victoria at a National event.”

Peninsula also claimed the a Women’s division heat and were helped along by some great surfing from Georgia Fish in the Teams Division.

Read Surfing Australia and MP News articles ›

2015 PSC Presentation Event

Saturday 5th December, Clubrooms. What a day ... and night !!!

Congratulations to Mikey Barber for taking out the 2015 OPEN TITLE and all the division winners! Pictured from left to right; Jamie Reichelt (Legends), Lachy McDonald (Senior Mens), Mikey (Open), Joel Wookey (Juniors), Max Burton (Grommets), Rob Hanley (B-Grade), and Tim Antonie (Grand Masters). Mike Wise (Senior Masters), Will Antonie (Juniors) and Georgia Fish (Womens) not pictured.

View Full 2015 Aggregate Results ›

Special thanks to 2015 Committee including Adam, Lachy, Morgan, Jane, Liam, Bird, Tim, and Rod to name a few whos efforts over the last few years have kept the club going from strength to strength! |

Supergroms 2015 Season Complete

View Season 2015 RESULTS › |

PSC Final Contest 2015
and Triple Crown wrapped up

Saturday 28 November : Gunnamatta : 2nd Car Park

What a great way to finish the year!
With a pretty average weather and surf forecasts, we turned up early for our final comp of the season and after debating whether to have the comp at 1st or 2nd car park, we decided on 1st. We surfed the first 3 heats on the right hander, battling with a gnarly rip and ugly double ups. So the call was made to shift the contest to the right hander at 2nd car park.

It turned out to be a great call and we surfed some really fun waves in between the odd close out. The weather improved, and it was great to see all of the PSC crew get together and have an awesome day hanging out and surfing heats. There was plenty of banter and laughs and as always, some sensational surfing. There was long, good right handers for those that could find them including some good barrels.

Some of the best surfing we've seen in a club contest to date, just too many names to mention who surfed amazing! Angus' surfing all day, Ads and Mikey in the Open Final, Senior Men's final was crazy, Lachy, Corey, Jack Winter and Lance, Juniors Joel and Gully's surf-off, Charlie in cadets, and Tim Antonie surfing better than ever! Plus Ben Hallam, the man on the mike.

It was definitely a great way to finish the year, a big thanks to everyone who helped throughout the year.
We look forward to seeing you all at the clubhouse for a huge presentation and Christmas party.
Liam & Daz

View PHOTOS on Facebook › |


Saturday 10 October 2015

Just as it was looking like a return to H’s right at first carpark after some good days there it vanished the day before the comp. Luckily the right at second carpark appeared the same day and gave us a day of good contestable 3-4 ft right handers with more than one or two bomb sets to deal with and the odd opportunity to link up an inside barrel section.

Numbers were looking good for the Triple Crown and the level of surfing also with the return of some regular faces including Caiden and Georgia just back from QS events.

Some great surfing went down in the early heats until there was a temporary halt to the comp due to a likely storm front. Extremely close lightning strikes made it a tad unsafe to be in the water but it was only a temporary thing with Tim A probably a lot keener on grabbing some waves than worrying about getting fried.

Early standouts were Corey Venter and Georgia Fish. Georgia was ripping right from the first qualifying heat. Her time on the QS is paying dividends with consistent double digit heat scores and in the process taking down plenty of names to get through to the semis. New member Cory all the way from Ballito, South Africa also impressed the judges early on with big hacks and a consistency that got him through to the semis. A definite contender for the new boys in the triple Crown. Other standouts were Tom A, Mikey B, Caiden, Ads, Lachy, Jett, Gus and Dylan Hallam.

Mikey was one of the few to regularly link the back with the inside barrel section getting some sick ones as did Dylan , getting one of the best barrels of the day for a late birthday pres. Jett was killing it on his backhand all day doing well in the open and taking his first win in the cadets to make the last comp of the cadets an interesting battle and definitely one to watch!

In the Juniors the top two were missing with Joel in Indo and Gully still there leaving the gate wide open after Billy Wells took his first win of the season with some great surfing. Max Burton was also absent from competition due to a broken arm skating and Craig Burto as well due to an unexpected blood clot which left the Senior Masters open with Mike W taking another win. Lachy again took out the Senior Mens over Shannon and Lance, that makes 6/6 for Lach in his first season as a senior.

Grand Masters saw another upset, that being Straussy, upset on the number of waves he got ... Tim taking the honours again.The Legends was missing a whole bunch of legends but the ones that did turn up got a good hammering with some of the biggest sets of the day in the final. Well done Jamie R on managing to pick a couple of good ones! The B grade saw another new winner in Aaron Caratello, giving the Hanley brothers something to work for in the last comp.

The Open final saw two goofys, Caiden and Ads and two naturals, Mikey and Lachy battle it out in waves that were slightly affected by the tide and not quite right like they were earlier in the day. Mikey seemed to find gems that didn’t look like they were there, finding those waves with good sections to hit and that inside barrel section for a couple. Lachy got some good set waves linking a few up for the inside, Caiden got some ok ones but was mainly waiting for the right ones that didn’t come and Ads was in catch up mode after a lap and a couple a insiders. Getting those mid range scores wasn’t enough for Caiden and Ads on the day and Mikey took it out by only the smallest of margins over Lachy.

Comp 6 turned out to be another great day of waves and surfing, thanks to everyone that helped on the day including Redeye who couldn’t stay away from a good barby after months on the road.

Next and final comp is Lucky No. 7, Nov 14/15, See you there, Daz & Liam.

Triple Crown Update: After 2 comps in the inaugural end of season series we are looking at some runaway leaders in both divisions (Mikey and Mark), however there is still plenty of room for place-getters to move. The big question really is: who will prevail - Tim, Tom or Mike Antonie? And will new member Corey be able to jump ahead of Georgia who reaps the bonus of points from 2 divisions?

Sean McDevitt vs Sean Winter is another battle likely to generate interest in the early rounds of comp 7… fingers crossed they are drawn in the same heat. Finally, what will the prez spend his $200 on if he can stay ahead of Lachy for 2nd place… the committee is thinking it should surely go on the bar at Preso? Lachy ( Photo of Jett by Max Burton ) |


Saturday 12th September, 2nd carpark Gunnamata

What an awesome day it was to resume our contest season after our winter break! Contest number 5 and the first leg of the PSC Triple Crown kicked off with good clean left handers at addicts 2nd carpark wich was great to see since its been such a long time since our last club comp there. The water was still pretty cold and the offshore wind wasnt real warm either but the waves were really good and really consistent so the vibes were high along with the standard of surfing ... Read more ›› |

PSC Comp 4 dusted at Rye

Saturday 16th May : Rye Back Beach

What looked like being an ordinary day for a comp turned out to be one of the better comp days so far this season . After making a call to ditch Gunna for Rye the right hand bank out front produced mostly good quality waves all day, low and high tide with some outstanding surfing from all divisions.

Some of the standouts included Grant W, Tom Antonie, Mikey B, Joel Wookey, Lachy, Gus ,Ben H, Lance and Tim Antonie who made his first open final since way back when .This also became the first father son combo in an open final ever although Rod B reckons he’s working on being the second after finally advancing through an open round.

The groms, cadets and juniors really showed they are putting time and effort into their surfing with excellent results in their divisions and open rounds. Max Burton, Charlie Lucas and Will Antonie seemed to have taken their surfing to new levels and not forgetting supergrom Lucas who surfed one wave probably triple over his head, awesome effort !

As there wasn’t too much of a change in wave quality and consistency throughout the day like usual all divisions made the most of the conditions. The Senior mens is always a good one to watch with quality surfing, always close between Joel R, Lachy, Shannon and Lance. Mike W and Burto were ripping in the senior masters, Rod, and Tim A continuing their high performance in the grand masters, the Hanleys ripping in open 2 and Jamie R in the Legends extending his winning ways.

In the open final the waves kept on keeping on and saw some of the best surfing of the day. Tim A stepped up again to the occasion taking it up to them but outclassed in the end by younger talent. Grant Williams’ backhand attack had been on fire all day and he continued his rhythm into the final probably unlucky not to win it! Tom Antonie showed why he was there with solid moves in critical sections just coming up short of top spot, while Mikey B started the final in good form with a solid set wave to score highly but another decent wave didn’t come his way until late into the final, when it did he got his fins free enough times to push him into top spot and take it ahead of Tom, Grant and Tim A.

All in all it was a great day, Rye came up with the goods, two right hand banks to choose from, easy set up and pack up, awesome area for viewing, either in your car, Landy or standing and finally great weather. Thanks to all who helped including the cadets on the BBQ, see you soon, Daz B. |

Battle of the Bay (13th v PSC)

A Tradition is Born // Saturday 18th of April // 13th Beach

What a fun day. PSC took 18 surfers over to 13th Beach for the inaugural 'Battle of the Bay'. A solid swell with W/NW winds saw difficult but sometimes very good peaks unloading on the shallow sand banks.

A lazy start (we caught the 8am ferry like gentlemen should), and some friendly catch-ups before competition kick-off with the open division. We were taught a few lessons by the 13th guys about shifty peaks, although Mikey came good with a win. Aside from that we pretty much got smashed... once again Georgia didn't look out of place though and probably outperformed a couple of us!

Next up were the junior guys and they flew the flag proudly with Gully taking a solid win and strong performances from Jett, Max and Billy White - you killed it boys, and things were looking a little better for our team.

Over 28s was a bit more even with PSC perhaps getting the nod thanks to decent performances from Joel Reid, Burto Lachy and Daz Bird (over 50 in the over 28s, what a guy!).

Our B-Grade surfers then dragged us right back into contention - Rob and John Hanley really looked comfortable in the chunky peaks and Sam Wise stepped up (although rumour has it he scored the best Crystals barrel some have seen on Sunday, perhaps needing to be hungover to really shine?!).

Georgia was grossly outnumbered in the womens, so we chose the youngest girl from 13th to surf for us too... luckily both girls killed it and came 1st/2nd in that heat. All of a sudden we were damn close to the win... just 6 points behind.

Unfortunately with some pre-booked events to return home to, most of the team had to be on the last ferry... I blame the groms. So we only managed 45mins back at the 13th venue (Tin Shed)... it was an epic spot to enjoy a couple of beers and hang out with good friends. I contend that if we were allowed the appropriate time to really flex our partying muscles that Sam Wise and Longy could have got us over the line for a close win (although some of there guys were giving it a good nudge too).
Next time - it was a sick day and we enjoyed sipping on cold beverages and sledging our way through the day with our closest "rival club."

Well done to Caiden, Joel Wookey, Mikey, Ben Hallam, Joel Reid, Longy, Lachy, Georgia, Gully, Jett, Billy White, Sam Wise, Max Burton, Craig Burton, Darren Bird, John Hanley and Rob Hanley for representing the PSC!

Thanks to 13th Beach Boardriders for having us... and for producing the trophy. We look forward to hosting them when the weather warms up! |

PSC Comp 3 completed

Saturday 28th March, 1st Car park Gunnamatta [ View Results ]

Due to the fact we plan on running 7 aggregate comps this season we were pretty determined to run the comp on Saturday unless it was extremely bad weather and waves and after turning up at daybreak it wasn't looking good at all with a solid swell onshore winds and big dark rain clouds filling the horizon but as it got light we could see the odd rideable reform and made a call to run it and get the tents up before it rained and get the heats started ASAP to make the most of the tide before it got to low which it it eventually did but amazingly nearly all the rain missed us and the weather slowly improved as the day went on until it turned out to be a warm and sunny afternoon.

The opening heats started on the right but many choosing to go left of the peak in the 2 to 4 ft onshore reforms, finding the right waves proved to be quite a challenge but there was plenty of high scoring rides going down for the guys who could find them with Cal, Ben H, Angus, Grant W, Lachie, Jack W, Tim A, Mike A and young Will Antonie all ripping and posting some high scores!

When the tide got to low we decided to have a break until the tide started to fill in again and our head judge Tim Antonie had the great idea to run an expression session with all entrants welcome to surf in it and prizes for best manoeuvre , best wave and best wipeout, it was quite a laugh trying to judge it and with well over an hour Cal managed to find the best wave, Shan and Lance tying for best manoeuvre with some a grade close out turns and Joel Wookey going over the falls backwards to take out best wipe out. More than likely an expression session could be a regular feature for future comps!

After the break we ran the finals for all divisions and as the weather improved so did the waves and once again there were some high those that could pick the right waves. Highlights were - Birdy going left and Cocky going right on the same wave and straight into each other and then finding their leggies tangled and Birdys brand new board copping a fin through the bottom, - Tim Antonie shredding one of the highest scoring waves of the arvo, - Joel Wookey and Gully both ripping in the junior final, - Lachie asking Jack when is he ever going to beat him in a final and Jack doing exactly that and taking out the open final !

Congratulations to everyone who won there division - GROMS - Max Burton / CADETS - Will Antonie / JUNIORS - Gully / SENIOR MEN - Lachie / SENIOR MASTERS - Burto / GRAND MASTERS - Tim Antonie / LEGENDS - Jamie R / B GRADE - Rob Hanley / OPEN - Jack Winter . Full results will be posted in the next few days. Thanks to everyone who helped throughout the day and see you all soon. LMC |


Saturday 14th March. 1st Car Park Gunnamatta

Finally after several attempts we managed to run our 2nd comp for the 2014/15 season. The contest was run at first carpark Gunnamatta and after a cold start in the cold wind the day slowly warmed up and the weather was great and the conditions were good, the waves started off quite reasonable on the left but quickly deteriorated as the tide dropped and we switched to the right hander which proved to be quite challenging with he rip pulling hard the wrong way and the tide getting to low but as always there was some great surfing from everyone that could find the right waves.

It turned out to be quite a small turn out in all divisions which allowed us to finish the day early and go for a freesurf before heading back to the clubhouse for a bbq and beers. Well consistency seemed to be the order of the day with all divisions except grand masters and legends being won by the same winners as the first comp. highlights of the day were Mikey Barber starting off the open final with a solid 360 air in the first two minutes followed by some sort of semi inverted rotation later in the heat to take out the open final with only two maneuvers ! A young Maxi Burton beating his dad in the first round of the open division and going on to finish with an =6th place in open and winning the cadet final once again, Cocky proving once again he can surf the best wave in the legends but just cant catch a second one to back it up ! Johny H finding a good barrel to pip his brother Rob for first place in the Bgrade final.

Gully, Charlie Lucas, Lachie, Hydey, Tim Antonie and Jamie Reichelt all found the right waves and surfed really well to win their divisions. ( for full results click on the results tab ) thanks heaps to everyone who helped out throughout the day and don't forget comp #3 is on 28/29th of March, see you all then! Cheers, Liam & Darren

Full Aggregate Results ›› Vew Photos ›› |


The last event of 2015 was epic with perfect weather, and, well, Leo was being Leo, doing what it's famous for....small swell.

But just under the 100 Surfers and nearly 250 Volunteers didn't complain...the smiles told the story. And everyone got a ride or three, and the whole day just flowed as it should do.

So we're going to have to wait another few months until next year for the buzz, but that's all right - we've just winter in between to enjoy!

See everyone next year! All the best and keep warm. Bill.

Disabled Surfers Association Mornington Peninsula.

DSA › DSA MP Facebook Page › |


Original Source Australian Boardriders Battle

Cape Woolamai, Victoria : Saturday 13th December 2014

The club has claimed it's first Victorian Teams Title in 21 years today after winning the Vic round of the Original Source Boardriders Battle

With perfect 4-5ft waves all day, the event started off with a multiple long barrel rides in the opening heat.

Peninsula captain, Caiden Fowler, was stoked to be part of the winning team. "Its amazing, I am ecstatic right now. To take this thing out in pumping waves at Woolamai, I am so stoked. Its been 21 years since we have won a teams event, its feels so good to finally get up over the other clubs. It was either tens or zeros out there, it was pumping tubes or closeouts so it was hard work but there was some sick ones. I love the way the formats work together with the skins, female and teams it makes it super interesting and keeps the whole club involved."

The club will now head to the National Finals at Cronulla Jan 24. |

First Contest Completed

Saturday 29th November / First Carpark Gunnamatta / Rights

Well after calling our 1st comp of twice it ended up being a ripper of a day to kick off the new season!! Great weather, great turnout, fun waves, good vibes and plenty of great club spirit!!!

The waves got a little frustrating at times, but throughout the day there was plenty of fun waves and some pumping waves if you were lucky! There was some really good surfing in all divisions – some of the highlights were Piper ripping and getting a 9+ point ride in the trying low tide conditions in the junior women's final. Max Burton in the groms and Charlie Lucas in the cadets ripping and showing that we have some young up and coming power surfers and the general standard in groms, cadets and juniors has stepped right up – great to see Jet ripping and making the ¼'s in the open division and Gully shredding to win the juniors when he is actually a cadet! Shan, Hydey, Lachie, Straz and Gav all ripping and proving why they have all been so consistent for so many years! Some world class manoeuvres went down including Darcy’s air in the ¼'s, Lances air drop reo in the snr men's and by far the highlight of the day Mikey B's insane air on a very solid section to take out the open final!

Ben Hallam did a great job on the mike all day and it was great to see some ex-members returning to the club and some new ones also! It was really good to see a good crew back at the clubhouse afterwards for the presentations to finish of an awesome day! Thanks to everyone for helping out throughout the day and will look forward to seeing you for our 2nd comp – stay tuned for a call.

Cheers, Liam & Darren :: FULL RESULTS :: |

Girls on the Curl...

Georgia Fish (above) has been touring and ripping on the WQS circuit and is currently ranked 23rd. And Piper Harrison ( pictured below ) is the current Under 14 Vic Champion, 2nd in the Rip Curl Grom Search NSW, and recently took out the U/16 Girls division at the Subway Summer Series at Jan Juc. Well done girls, our local groms can draw a lot inspiration from your acheivments and focus. |

Victorian State Open & Teams Titles

18th October 2014 saw the event held at Jan Juc, Torquay.
Congratulations to Calum Nicolson who placed 4th overall in the 2014 Vic Open Titles and also to out team who also finished 4th in the Teams event. More events at Surfing Victoria › |

President's Report : October 2014

Welcome back folks to a fresh, new upcoming season of PSC! The AGM resulted in many new concepts that should allow even more enjoyment through a great club! After much deliberating post season, I decided to do another year as president for the club... Read full report › |

Joel Reid finding some in August 2014 |
